We began our in-school stewardship projects this week! Every year MLA students choose a project that benefits the school in some way. Pre-K helped spread dandelion seeds in the yard. Kindergarten spread wildflower seeds around an area we call the Moon. (It’s a lot of dry, cracked soil that is just now coming back to […]
Mid-April 2023
Hello Mountain SOL Parents! We just finished up a whole unit on ANTS in our in-school Mountain SOL programming! We learned about how they hibernate, how new queens establish their own nests, how ants work together, and (The kid’s favorite part) we got ant farms for the classrooms! (As you can see in the attached […]
In School Mountain SOL – Late Winter/Early Spring!
Hello Mt SOL families! During late winter and early spring we finished up our unit on songbirds and spring plants! We talked about and listened for and mimicked the calls of: woodpeckers (downy, hairy, red-bellied), Carolina wrens, crows ravens and blue jays (yay corvids!), birds with distinct calls like killdeer, and soaring birds like […]
In School Mountain SOL: Feb 2nd and 9
Hello MLA families! Wow, we have had some weather extremes these last two weeks. We have gone out in the snow and then the next week been playing in the creek in short sleeved shirts! Our afterschool animal tracking and photography class has been spilling over into our in school classes because our kids are […]
In School Mountain SOL: Jan 19th and 26th
Hey hey MLA families! We have been continuing to learn about moon phases as well as different signs of seasonal change. On Jan 19th we did an Oreo exercise to practice learning about the phases of the moon (we are sorry for the mushed bag of Oreos you probably received hahahaha). The kids did love […]
In School Mountain SOL: Jan 5 and 12
Hey MLA families! We hope that you are all having a good start to your new year! Our first week back we decided to go explore a place that each class had not been to yet. We keep some of the acreage generally off limits to the little humans so that it can provide habitat […]
In School Mountain SOL: International Mountain Day!
Hey hey MLA families! Thank you for all of the help that we had for International Mountain day. It was a huge success! Each class chose a tree on campus the week before, and for our celebration each child wrote something they loved about living in Appalachia or something they were thankful for on a […]
In School Mountain SOL: Oct 27 – Nov 10
Hello MLA families, I missed a week, oops! It might be because I am distracted by Mountain SOL receiving a… NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC GRANT WOOT WOOT WOOT It is, as always, a blessing to be able to work here and spend this time with your children, learning outside from a place of joy and passion! So, […]
In School Mtn SOL at MLA! Oct 13 and 20
Hello MLA families! So….did your kids tell you about biocrust? Or perhaps sing to you about it? Well, we had an epic magic adventure experiencing first-hand how mother nature can heal herself. Along the way we were able to make observations and use our growing understanding of mountain ecosystems (spiced up with a sense of […]
In School Mtn SOL at MLA! Sept 29 and Oct 6
Hello MLA families! The weather is changing, and we have to change with it. The ticks are still holding on, so please do a tick check for a few more weeks on Thursdays when your kiddo comes home. Also, we are going to start transitioning to fall and winter clothing. Every cutie needs orange as […]